Contributing to SkyPilot#

Thank you for your interest in contributing to SkyPilot! We welcome and value all contributions to the project, including but not limited to:

  • Bug reports and discussions

  • Pull requests for bug fixes and new features

  • Test cases to make the codebase more robust

  • Examples

  • Documentation

  • Tutorials, blog posts and talks on SkyPilot

Contributing Code#

We use GitHub to track issues and features. For new contributors, we recommend looking at issues labeled “good first issue”.

Installing SkyPilot for development#

# SkyPilot requires python >= 3.7.
# You can just install the dependencies for
# certain clouds, e.g., ".[aws,azure,gcp,lambda]"
pip install -e ".[all]"
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt


To run smoke tests (NOTE: Running all smoke tests launches ~20 clusters):

# Run all tests on AWS and Azure (default smoke test clouds)
pytest tests/

# Terminate a test's cluster even if the test failed (default is to keep it around for debugging)
pytest tests/ --terminate-on-failure

# Re-run last failed tests
pytest --lf

# Run one of the smoke tests
pytest tests/

# Only run managed spot tests
pytest tests/ --managed-spot

# Only run test for GCP + generic tests
pytest tests/ --gcp

# Change cloud for generic tests to Azure
pytest tests/ --generic-cloud azure

For profiling code, use:

pip install tuna # Tuna is used for visualization of profiling data.
python3 -m cProfile -o -m sky.cli status # Or some other command

Testing in a container#

It is often useful to test your changes in a clean environment set up from scratch. Using a container is a good way to do this. We have a dev container image berkeleyskypilot/skypilot-debug which we use for debugging skypilot inside a container. Use this image by running:

docker run -it --rm --name skypilot-debug berkeleyskypilot/skypilot-debug /bin/bash
# On Apple silicon Macs:
docker run --platform linux/amd64 -it --rm --name skypilot-debug berkeleyskypilot/skypilot-debug /bin/bash

It has some convenience features which you might find helpful (see Dockerfile):

  • Common dependencies and some utilities (rsync, screen, vim, nano etc) are pre-installed

  • requirements-dev.txt is pre-installed

  • Environment variables for dev/debug are set correctly

  • Automatically clones the latest master to /sky_repo/skypilot when the container is launched.

    • Note that you still have to manually run pip install -e ".[all]" to install skypilot, it is not pre-installed.

    • If your branch is on the SkyPilot repo, you can run git checkout <your_branch> to switch to your branch.

Submitting pull requests#

  • Fork the SkyPilot repository and create a new branch for your changes.

  • If relevant, add tests for your changes. For changes that touch the core system, run the smoke tests and ensure they pass.

  • Follow the Google style guide.

  • Ensure code is properly formatted by running

    • [Optional] You can also install pre-commit hooks by running pre-commit install to automatically format your code on commit.

  • Push your changes to your fork and open a pull request in the SkyPilot repository.

  • In the PR description, write a Tested: section to describe relevant tests performed.

Some general engineering practice suggestions#

These are suggestions, not strict rules to follow. When in doubt, follow the style guide.

  • Use TODO(author_name)/FIXME(author_name) instead of blank TODO/FIXME. This is critical for tracking down issues. You can write TODOs with your name and assign it to others (on github) if it is someone else’s issue.

  • Delete your branch after merging it. This keeps the repo clean and faster to sync.

  • Use an exception if this is an error. Only use assert for debugging or proof-checking purposes. This is because exception messages usually contain more information.

  • Use modern python features and styles that increases code quality.

    • Use f-string instead of .format() for short expressions to increase readability.

    • Use class MyClass: instead of class MyClass(object):. The later one was a workaround for python2.x.

    • Use abc module for abstract classes to ensure all abstract methods are implemented.

    • Use python typing. But you should not import external objects just for typing. Instead, import typing-only external objects under if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:.

Environment variables for developers#

  • export SKYPILOT_DISABLE_USAGE_COLLECTION=1 to disable usage logging.

  • export SKYPILOT_DEBUG=1 to show debugging logs (use logging.DEBUG level).

  • export SKYPILOT_MINIMIZE_LOGGING=1 to minimize logging. Useful when trying to avoid multiple lines of output, such as for demos.