Asynchronous Execution#

All SkyPilot CLIs and SDKs are asynchronous. When a CLI or SDK function is invoked, a request will be sent to a SkyPilot API server and its logs will be streamed back to the client.

Any request can be safely interrupted with Ctrl+C and the request will continue running in the background on the API server.

SkyPilot API server#

SkyPilot implements a client-server architecture. When running locally, the first CLI or SDK call will automatically start a SkyPilot API server locally, and any subsequent CLIs and SDKs will connect to the same API server.

An administrator can also deploy a remote SkyPilot API server for a team, so that multiple users can share the same API server. Users can connect to an API server via:

$ sky api login
Enter the API server endpoint:


For example, when a user runs sky launch -c my-cluster, the following output is streamed to the terminal:

$ sky launch -c my-cluster --cpus 2
Considered resources (1 node):
Kubernetes   2CPU--2GB   2       2         -              in-cluster    0.00          ✔
AWS          m6i.large   2       8         -              us-east-1     0.10
Launching a new cluster 'my-cluster'. Proceed? [Y/n]:
⚙︎ Launching on Kubernetes.
└── Pod is up.
⠴ Preparing SkyPilot runtime (2/3 - dependencies)  View logs: sky api logs -l sky-2024-12-13-05-27-22-754475/provision.log

When a user interrupts the command with Ctrl+C, the request will continue running in the background on the server.

The user can reattach to the logs of the request with sky api logs, or cancel the request with sky api cancel.

$ sky launch -c my-cluster --cpus 2
⚙︎ Request will continue running asynchronously.
├── View logs: sky api logs 73d316ac
├── Or, visit:
└── To cancel the request, run: sky api cancel 73d316ac

As a special case, terminating (sky down my-cluster) or stopping (sky stop my-cluster) a cluster will automatically cancel all existing requests on the cluster, including both PENDING and RUNNING requests.


Currently, sky jobs cancel and sky serve down do not abort other requests.

Running CLIs asynchronously#

Most SkyPilot CLIs support a --async flag, which will submit the request asynchronously and return immediately. With this flag, you can submit multiple requests quickly without waiting for each request to complete.

$ for i in {1..10}; do sky jobs launch -n job-$i -y --async "echo hello SkyPilot $i"; done

This is particularly useful for launching many parallel jobs.

Python SDK#

Similar to the CLIs, the SkyPilot SDK calls send asynchronous requests to the SkyPilot API server. When a SDK function is invoked, it will return a request ID, which can be used to stream the logs, wait for the request to finish, or cancel the request.

import sky
task = sky.Task(
    run="echo hello SkyPilot", resources=sky.Resources(cloud=sky.AWS()))

# sky.launch() returns a request ID.
request_id = sky.launch(task, cluster_name="my-cluster")

# Stream logs and get the output.
job_id, handle = sky.stream_and_get(request_id)

# Tail the logs of the job. This is a synchronous call.

Note that the following log functions are synchronous:

  • sky.tail_logs()

  • sky.download_logs()



  • sky.serve.tail_logs()


Upgrading from v0.8 or older: If you upgraded from a version equal to or older than 0.8.0 to any newer version, your program using SkyPilot SDKs needs to be updated to use the new sky.stream_and_get function to retrieve the result of a SDK function call. See the migration guide for more details.

Managing requests#

You can access the asynchronous SkyPilot requests through sky api commands.

List requests#

To view all requests on the server, run sky api status.

$ # List all ongoing requests
$ sky api status
ID                                    User             Name    Created         Status
0d35ffa7-2813-4f3b-95c2-c5ab2238df50  user2            logs    a few secs ago  RUNNING
a9d59602-b82b-4cf8-a10f-5cde4dd76f29  user1            launch  a few secs ago  RUNNING
skypilot-status-refresh-daemon        skypilot-system  status  5 hrs ago       RUNNING

$ # List all finished and ongoing requests
$ sky api status -a


sky api status shows the full ID for each request, but you can always use the prefix of the ID in sky api commands.

Stream logs#

To stream the logs of a request, run sky api logs <request-id>.

$ sky api logs 0d35ffa7

Cancel requests#

To cancel requests, run sky api cancel <request-id> <request-id> ....

$ sky api cancel 0d35ffa7 a9d59602