Source: llm/llama-2
Llama 2: Open LLM from Meta#
Llama-2 is the top open-source models on the Open LLM leaderboard today. It has been released with a license that authorizes commercial use. You can deploy a private Llama-2 chatbot with SkyPilot in your own cloud with just one simple command.
Why use SkyPilot to deploy over commercial hosted solutions?#
No lock-in: run on any supported cloud - AWS, Azure, GCP, Lambda Cloud, IBM, Samsung, OCI
Everything stays in your cloud account (your VMs & buckets)
No one else sees your chat history
Pay absolute minimum — no managed solution markups
Freely choose your own model size, GPU type, number of GPUs, etc, based on scale and budget.
…and you get all of this with 1 click — let SkyPilot automate the infra.
Apply for the access to the Llama-2 model
Go to the application page and apply for the access to the model weights.
Get the access token from huggingface
Generate a read-only access token on huggingface here, and make sure your huggingface account can access the Llama-2 models here.
Fill the access token in the chatbot-hf.yaml and chatbot-meta.yaml file.
HF_TOKEN: # TODO: Fill with your own huggingface token, or use --env to pass.
Running your own Llama-2 chatbot with SkyPilot#
You can now host your own Llama-2 chatbot with SkyPilot using 1-click.
Start serving the LLaMA-7B-Chat 2 model on a single A100 GPU:
sky launch -c llama-serve -s chatbot-hf.yaml
Check the output of the command. There will be a sharable gradio link (like the last line of the following). Open it in your browser to chat with Llama-2.
(task, pid=20933) 2023-04-12 22:08:49 | INFO | gradio_web_server | Namespace(host='', port=None, controller_url='http://localhost:21001', concurrency_count=10, model_list_mode='once', share=True, moderate=False)
(task, pid=20933) 2023-04-12 22:08:49 | INFO | stdout | Running on local URL:
(task, pid=20933) 2023-04-12 22:08:51 | INFO | stdout | Running on public URL: https://<random-hash>
Optional: Try other GPUs:
sky launch -c llama-serve-l4 -s chatbot-hf.yaml --gpus L4
L4 is the latest generation GPU built for large inference AI workloads. Find more details here.
Optional: Serve the 13B model instead of the default 7B:
sky launch -c llama-serve -s chatbot-hf.yaml --env MODEL_SIZE=13
Optional: Serve the 70B Llama-2 model:
sky launch -c llama-serve-70b -s chatbot-hf.yaml --env MODEL_SIZE=70 --gpus A100-80GB:2
How to run Llama-2 chatbot with the FAIR model?#
You can also host the official FAIR model without using huggingface and gradio.
Launch the Llama-2 chatbot on the cloud:
sky launch -c llama chatbot-meta.yaml
Open another terminal and run:
ssh -L 7681:localhost:7681 llama
Open http://localhost:7681 in your browser and start chatting!
Included files#
accelerators: A100:1
disk_size: 1024
disk_tier: best
memory: 32+
HF_TOKEN: # TODO: Fill with your own huggingface token, or use --env to pass.
setup: |
conda activate chatbot
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
conda create -n chatbot python=3.9 -y
conda activate chatbot
# Install dependencies
pip install "fschat[model_worker,webui]"
python -c "import huggingface_hub; huggingface_hub.login('${HF_TOKEN}')"
run: |
conda activate chatbot
echo 'Starting controller...'
python -u -m fastchat.serve.controller --host > ~/controller.log 2>&1 &
sleep 10
echo 'Starting model worker...'
python -u -m fastchat.serve.model_worker \
--model-path meta-llama/Llama-2-${MODEL_SIZE}b-chat-hf \
--num-gpus $SKYPILOT_NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE 2>&1 \
--host \
| tee model_worker.log &
echo 'Waiting for model worker to start...'
while ! `cat model_worker.log | grep -q 'Uvicorn running on'`; do sleep 1; done
echo 'Starting gradio server...'
python -u -m fastchat.serve.gradio_web_server --share | tee ~/gradio.log
memory: 32+
accelerators: A100:1
disk_size: 1024
disk_tier: best
HF_TOKEN: # TODO: Fill with your own huggingface token, or use --env to pass.
setup: |
set -ex
git clone || true
cd ./llama
pip install -e .
cd -
git clone || true
cd sky-llama
pip install torch==1.12.1+cu113 --extra-index-url
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
cd -
# Download the model weights from the huggingface hub, as the official
# download script has some problem.
git config --global credential.helper cache
sudo apt -y install git-lfs
pip install transformers
python -c "import huggingface_hub; huggingface_hub.login('${HF_TOKEN}', add_to_git_credential=True)"
git clone${MODEL_SIZE}b-chat
sudo mv ttyd.x86_64 /usr/local/bin/ttyd
sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/ttyd
run: |
cd sky-llama
ttyd /bin/bash -c "torchrun --nproc_per_node $SKYPILOT_NUM_GPUS_PER_NODE --ckpt_dir ~/sky_workdir/Llama-2-${MODEL_SIZE}b-chat --tokenizer_path ~/sky_workdir/Llama-2-${MODEL_SIZE}b-chat/tokenizer.model"