
When running outside your Kubernetes cluster, SkyPilot uses your local ~/.kube/config file for authentication and creating resources on your Kubernetes cluster.

When running inside your Kubernetes cluster (e.g., as a Spot controller or Serve controller), SkyPilot can operate using either of the following three authentication methods:

  1. Automatically create a service account: SkyPilot can automatically create the service account and roles for itself to manage resources in the Kubernetes cluster. This is the default method when running inside the cluster, and no additional configuration is required.

    For details on the permissions that are granted to the service account, refer to the Minimum Permissions Required for SkyPilot section below.

  2. Using a custom service account: If you have a custom service account with the necessary permissions, you can configure SkyPilot to use it by adding this to your ~/.sky/config.yaml file:

      remote_identity: your-service-account-name
  3. Using your local kubeconfig file: In this case, SkyPilot will copy your local ~/.kube/config file to the controller pod and use it for authentication. To use this method, set remote_identity: LOCAL_CREDENTIALS to your Kubernetes configuration in the ~/.sky/config.yaml file:

      remote_identity: LOCAL_CREDENTIALS


    If your cluster uses exec based authentication in your ~/.kube/config file (e.g., GKE uses exec auth by default), SkyPilot may not be able to authenticate using this method. In this case, consider using the service account methods below.


Service account based authentication applies only when the remote SkyPilot cluster (including spot and serve controller) is launched inside the Kubernetes cluster. When running outside the cluster (e.g., on AWS), SkyPilot will use the local ~/.kube/config file for authentication.

Below are the permissions required by SkyPilot and an example service account YAML that you can use to create a service account with the necessary permissions.

Minimum permissions required for SkyPilot#

SkyPilot requires permissions equivalent to the following roles to be able to manage the resources in the Kubernetes cluster:

# Namespaced role for the service account
# Required for creating pods, services and other necessary resources in the namespace.
# Note these permissions only apply in the namespace where SkyPilot is deployed, and the namespace can be changed below.
kind: Role
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: sky-sa-role  # Can be changed if needed
  namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["*"]
    verbs: ["*"]
# ClusterRole for accessing cluster-wide resources. Details for each resource below:
kind: ClusterRole
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: sky-sa-cluster-role  # Can be changed if needed
  namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
    parent: skypilot
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["nodes"]  # Required for getting node resources.
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
  - apiGroups: ["node.k8s.io"]
    resources: ["runtimeclasses"]   # Required for autodetecting the runtime class of the nodes.
    verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]


If you are using a different namespace than default, make sure to change the namespace in the above manifests.

These roles must apply to both the user account configured in the kubeconfig file and the service account used by SkyPilot (if configured).

If you need to view real-time GPU availability with sky show-gpus, your tasks use object store mounting or your tasks require access to ingress resources, you will need to grant additional permissions as described below.

Permissions for sky show-gpus#

sky show-gpus needs to list all pods across all namespaces to calculate GPU availability. To do this, SkyPilot needs the get and list permissions for pods in a ClusterRole:

apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: ClusterRole
    name: sky-sa-cluster-role-pod-reader
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["pods"]
    verbs: ["get", "list"]


If this role is not granted to the service account, sky show-gpus will still work but it will only show the total GPUs on the nodes, not the number of free GPUs.

Permissions for object store mounting#

If your tasks use object store mounting (e.g., S3, GCS, etc.), SkyPilot will need to run a DaemonSet to expose the FUSE device as a Kubernetes resource to SkyPilot pods.

To allow this, you will need to also create a skypilot-system namespace which will run the DaemonSet and grant the necessary permissions to the service account in that namespace.

# Required only if using object store mounting
# Create namespace for SkyPilot system
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: skypilot-system  # Do not change this
    parent: skypilot
# Role for the skypilot-system namespace to create FUSE device manager and
# any other system components required by SkyPilot.
# This role must be bound in the skypilot-system namespace to the service account used for SkyPilot.
kind: Role
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
  name: skypilot-system-service-account-role  # Can be changed if needed
  namespace: skypilot-system  # Do not change this namespace
    parent: skypilot
  - apiGroups: ["*"]
    resources: ["*"]
    verbs: ["*"]

Permissions for using Ingress#

If your tasks use Ingress for exposing ports, you will need to grant the necessary permissions to the service account in the ingress-nginx namespace.

# Required only if using ingresses
# Role for accessing ingress service IP
apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
kind: Role
  namespace: ingress-nginx  # Do not change this
  name: sky-sa-role-ingress-nginx  # Can be changed if needed
  - apiGroups: [""]
    resources: ["services"]
    verbs: ["list", "get"]

Example using custom service account#

To create a service account that has all necessary permissions for SkyPilot (including for accessing object stores), you can use the following YAML.


In this example, the service account is named sky-sa and is created in the default namespace. Change the namespace and service account name as needed.

  1 # create-sky-sa.yaml
  2 kind: ServiceAccount
  3 apiVersion: v1
  4 metadata:
  5   name: sky-sa  # Change to your service account name
  6   namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
  7   labels:
  8     parent: skypilot
  9 ---
 10 # Role for the service account
 11 kind: Role
 12 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
 13 metadata:
 14   name: sky-sa-role  # Can be changed if needed
 15   namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
 16   labels:
 17     parent: skypilot
 18 rules:
 19   - apiGroups: ["*"]  # Required for creating pods, services, secrets and other necessary resources in the namespace.
 20     resources: ["*"]
 21     verbs: ["*"]
 22 ---
 23 # RoleBinding for the service account
 24 kind: RoleBinding
 25 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
 26 metadata:
 27   name: sky-sa-rb  # Can be changed if needed
 28   namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
 29   labels:
 30     parent: skypilot
 31 subjects:
 32   - kind: ServiceAccount
 33     name: sky-sa  # Change to your service account name
 34 roleRef:
 35   kind: Role
 36   name: sky-sa-role  # Use the same name as the role at line 14
 37   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
 38 ---
 39 # ClusterRole for the service account
 40 kind: ClusterRole
 41 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
 42 metadata:
 43   name: sky-sa-cluster-role  # Can be changed if needed
 44   namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
 45   labels:
 46     parent: skypilot
 47 rules:
 48   - apiGroups: [""]
 49     resources: ["nodes"]  # Required for getting node resources.
 50     verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
 51   - apiGroups: ["node.k8s.io"]
 52     resources: ["runtimeclasses"]   # Required for autodetecting the runtime class of the nodes.
 53     verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
 54   - apiGroups: ["networking.k8s.io"]   # Required for exposing services through ingresses
 55     resources: ["ingressclasses"]
 56     verbs: ["get", "list", "watch"]
 57   - apiGroups: [""]                 # Required for `sky show-gpus` command
 58     resources: ["pods"]
 59     verbs: ["get", "list"]
 60 ---
 61 # ClusterRoleBinding for the service account
 62 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
 63 kind: ClusterRoleBinding
 64 metadata:
 65   name: sky-sa-cluster-role-binding  # Can be changed if needed
 66   namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
 67   labels:
 68     parent: skypilot
 69 subjects:
 70   - kind: ServiceAccount
 71     name: sky-sa  # Change to your service account name
 72     namespace: default  # Change to your namespace if using a different one.
 73 roleRef:
 74   kind: ClusterRole
 75   name: sky-sa-cluster-role  # Use the same name as the cluster role at line 43
 76   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
 77 ---
 78 # Optional: If using object store mounting, create the skypilot-system namespace
 79 apiVersion: v1
 80 kind: Namespace
 81 metadata:
 82   name: skypilot-system  # Do not change this
 83   labels:
 84     parent: skypilot
 85 ---
 86 # Optional: If using object store mounting, create role in the skypilot-system
 87 # namespace to create FUSE device manager.
 88 kind: Role
 89 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
 90 metadata:
 91   name: skypilot-system-service-account-role  # Can be changed if needed
 92   namespace: skypilot-system  # Do not change this namespace
 93   labels:
 94     parent: skypilot
 95 rules:
 96   - apiGroups: ["*"]
 97     resources: ["*"]
 98     verbs: ["*"]
 99 ---
100 # Optional: If using object store mounting, create rolebinding in the skypilot-system
101 # namespace to create FUSE device manager.
102 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
103 kind: RoleBinding
104 metadata:
105   name: sky-sa-skypilot-system-role-binding
106   namespace: skypilot-system  # Do not change this namespace
107   labels:
108     parent: skypilot
109 subjects:
110   - kind: ServiceAccount
111     name: sky-sa  # Change to your service account name
112     namespace: default  # Change this to the namespace where the service account is created
113 roleRef:
114   kind: Role
115   name: skypilot-system-service-account-role  # Use the same name as the role at line 88
116   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io
117 ---
118 # Optional: Role for accessing ingress resources
119 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
120 kind: Role
121 metadata:
122   name: sky-sa-role-ingress-nginx  # Can be changed if needed
123   namespace: ingress-nginx  # Do not change this namespace
124   labels:
125     parent: skypilot
126 rules:
127   - apiGroups: [""]
128     resources: ["services"]
129     verbs: ["list", "get", "watch"]
130   - apiGroups: ["rbac.authorization.k8s.io"]
131     resources: ["roles", "rolebindings"]
132     verbs: ["list", "get", "watch"]
133 ---
134 # Optional: RoleBinding for accessing ingress resources
135 apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
136 kind: RoleBinding
137 metadata:
138   name: sky-sa-rolebinding-ingress-nginx  # Can be changed if needed
139   namespace: ingress-nginx  # Do not change this namespace
140   labels:
141     parent: skypilot
142 subjects:
143   - kind: ServiceAccount
144     name: sky-sa  # Change to your service account name
145     namespace: default  # Change this to the namespace where the service account is created
146 roleRef:
147   kind: Role
148   name: sky-sa-role-ingress-nginx  # Use the same name as the role at line 119
149   apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

Create the service account using the following command:

$ kubectl apply -f create-sky-sa.yaml

After creating the service account, the cluster admin may distribute kubeconfigs with the sky-sa service account to users who need to access the cluster.

Users should also configure SkyPilot to use the sky-sa service account through ~/.sky/config.yaml:

# ~/.sky/config.yaml
  remote_identity: sky-sa   # Or your service account name