Building Large-Scale Image Search using VectorDB & OpenAI CLIP#

VectorDB with SkyPilot

Step 0: Set Up The Environment#

Install the following Prerequisites:

  • SkyPilot: Make sure you have SkyPilot installed and sky check should succeed. Refer to SkyPilot’s documentation for instructions.

  • Hugging Face Token: To download dataset from Hugging Face Hub, you will need your token. Follow the steps below to configure your token.

Setup Huggingface token in ~/.env


or set up the environment variable HF_TOKEN.

Step 1: Compute Vectors from Image Data with OpenAI CLIP#

You need to convert images into vector representations (embeddings) so they can be stored in a vector database. Models like CLIP by OpenAI learn powerful representations that map images and text into the same embedding space. This allows for semantic similarity calculations, making queries like “a photo of a cloud” match relevant images.

Use the following command to launch a job that processes your image dataset and computes the CLIP embeddings:


This will automatically find available machines to compute the vectors. Expect:

(clip-batch-compute-vectors, pid=2523) 2025-01-27 23:57:27,387 - root - INFO - Saved partition 2 to /output/embeddings_90000_100000.parquet_part_2/data.parquet
(clip-batch-compute-vectors, pid=2523) 2025-01-27 23:59:39,720 - root - INFO - Saved partition 3 to /output/embeddings_90000_100000.parquet_part_3/data.parquet
(clip-batch-compute-vectors, pid=2523) 2025-01-28 00:01:56,707 - root - INFO - Saved partition 4 to /output/embeddings_90000_100000.parquet_part_4/data.parquet
(clip-batch-compute-vectors, pid=2523) 2025-01-28 00:04:12,200 - root - INFO - Saved partition 5 to /output/embeddings_90000_100000.parquet_part_5/data.parquet
(clip-batch-compute-vectors, pid=2523) 2025-01-28 00:06:25,009 - root - INFO - Saved partition 6 to /output/embeddings_90000_100000.parquet_part_6/data.parquet

You can also use sky jobs queue and sky jobs dashboard to see the status of jobs. Figure below shows our jobs are launched across different regions:

SkyPilot Dashboard

Step 2: Construct the Vector Database from Computed Embeddings#

Once you have the image embeddings, you need a specialized engine to perform rapid similarity searches at scale. In this example, we use ChromaDB to store and query the embeddings. This step ingests the embeddings from Step 1 into a vector database to enable real-time or near real-time search over millions of vectors.

To construct the database from embeddings:

sky jobs launch build_vectordb.yaml 

This process the generated clip embeddings in batches, generating output:

(vectordb-build, pid=2457) INFO:__main__:Processing /clip_embeddings/embeddings_0_500.parquet_part_0/data.parquet
Processing batches: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:00<00:00,  1.19it/s]
Processing files:  92%|█████████▏| 11/12 [00:02<00:00,  5.36it/s]INFO:__main__:Processing /clip_embeddings/embeddings_500_1000.parquet_part_0/data.parquet
Processing batches: 100%|██████████| 1/1 [00:02<00:00,  2.39s/it]
Processing files: 100%|██████████| 12/12 [00:05<00:00,  2.04it/s]/1 [00:00<?, ?it/s]

Step 3: Serve the Constructed Vector Database#

To serve the constructed database, you expose an API endpoint that other applications (or your local client) can call to perform semantic search. Querying allows you to confirm that your database is working and retrieve semantic matches for a given text query. You can integrate this endpoint into larger applications (like an image search engine or recommendation system).

To serve the constructed database:

sky launch -c vecdb_serve serve_vectordb.yaml

which runs the hosted vector database service. Alternatively, you can run

sky serve up serve_vectordb.yaml -n vectordb

This will deploy your vector database as a service on a cloud instance and allow you to interact with it via a public endpoint. Sky Serve facilitates automatic health checks and scaling of the service.

To query the constructed database,

If you run through sky launch, use

sky status --ip vecdb_serve

deployed cluster.

If you run through sky serve, you may run

sky serve status vectordb --endpoint

to get the endpoint address of the service.

Image Search Website